Monday, January 24, 2011

FTXI New Orleans March 25-27,2011 on sale now!

The city attracts thousands of curious onlookers; tourists hope to experience the fringe in safety. But at night, another side to New Orleans can be found in the darkest corners of the city that’s known for its occult practices and tragedies.

For PRS, it’s never been about doing things safe. The society excels at discovering secrets, and New Orleans is no exception. PRS, Ryan Buell and the cast of “Paranormal State” as well as surprise guests will travel through the guttural underbelly of New Orleans to uncover those secrets.

neworleans_musicpaintingIn true PRS fashion, PRS Field Trips mix academia, entertainment and thrills. Field Trippers (attendees) will take a variety of workshops and courses (some that are hands-on) to study and learn about the paranormal and the occult. In between paranormal workshops, attendees will go on tours and witness various occult rituals that are still practiced to this day. And at night time? Attendees will travel to some of the most haunted locations in the city to conduct real investigations with the PRS crew. Creating a forum to share ideas and educate, along with investigating are important. But Field Trips also provide an outlet for entertainment. Field Trippers will gather for a group dinner with the team, as well as a welcome party, and a top-notch Masquerade reception. And that’s just the beginning…

To learn more, take a look around the Field Trip XI: New Orleans site, with links provided on the right-hand corner. There are three types of tickets available. The first, The Full Experience, allows entry to the entire event (including the dinner, tours and Masquerade Reception). The second is The Extended Experience, for those who want to stay a bit further for another day of investigation and experiences. Extended Ticket holders get everything listed in the Full Experience ticket, plus an extra day with the crew. What’s also great about the Extended Experience is that there are a limited number, guaranteeing a more laid-back experience. The third, mainly for locals who just want to attend one workshop and get to briefly meet the cast, is the Meet-And-Greet Only ticket, which allows entry in to an hour-long reception followed by admittance in to the panel discussion.

Make no mistake; PRS Field Trips is a weekend of fun, but also of real investigations and discoveries. If you’re ready to take that step, then come with us as we walk through the mysteries of New Orleans!

1 comment:

  1. Elfie, I love the back ground of your profile. It is a tomb like effect. Very cool.
