Friday, October 29, 2010

Wings of Crimson and Armor of Silver

Wings of Crimson and Armor of Silver
by Eilfie Music

Once was an angel,
A warrior of Heaven.
Who served his lord with sword and shield.
The angel saw a radiance that shinned like a thousand suns,
And yearned to hold this bright burning beacon.
Descending from the heavens with wings of crimson and armor of silver,
Did what no angel had done since the fallen.
For this, the spark was snuffed out, and the warrior was ordered back to the gates of Heaven.
Once was an angel,
A warrior Heaven.
Who serves his Lord with sword and shield.
Who waits to see a radiance that shines like a thousand suns.


  1. Beautiful words! I am speechless!

  2. Very thought provoking; yet sends a message of patience and peace; lovely.
