Join Eilfie Music for a 4 class introduction into the history of
spiritualism and its influence in early paranormal investigation. The
class will delve into the early forms of spirit communication in
pre-Christian times going from a serious view of talking to the other
side to a down hill slope of parlor games and superstition. They will
learn about the early catalyst of the spiritual movement in America, but
will see how it gripped society and was greatly effected by war and
economic changes in history. With this class, they will see the genesis
of paranormal investigation.
What’s Included:
1) Access to all 4 lectures, live or taped: Like with real
classrooms, students/attendees will be able to get the most out of
their experience by attending the live lectures. However, for those
who have to miss a class or two, there’s no worries. The lectures
will be saved and viewable from January 12 through May 8.
2) Access to the Virtual Instructor’s Office: A private social site
has been set up where attendees/students of the program will be
able to register and gain access to the message boards, group
discussions, group activities, all powerpoint files and reading
materials, etc. Additionally, this will be where the
students/attendees can interact with the instructor privately. We
know this is especially important for those who may have additional
questions to ask Ms. Music about the courses, but don’t want to
bother with sending her an e-mail at her fan address or via
Facebook. Here, it’ll be just you and your fellow attendees
interacting with the instructor.
3) Access to quizzes and a final project, for those who wish to
test their knowledge: Although it’s not a requirement, quizzes and a
final exam will be made based off of the lectures and reading
materials. Ms. Music will be grading your quizzes.
Registration & Cost:
Registration is open starting Friday, November 18, 2011 at 5:00 pm EST.
Class Times: All classes will be held from 9:00pm
EST – 10:30pm EST. Class One: Tuesday, January 17, 2012. Class Two:
Tuesday, January 24, 2012. Class Three: Tuesday, January 31, 2012.
Class Four: Tuesday, February 7, 2012.
Cost: $60.00 per person (includes everything listed above)
Click here for more details:
Paranormal University